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TeacherSupport.UK is building resilient teachers who are courageously facing their own (limiting) beliefs and energetic blocks in order to operate full, happy, energetic daily lives while developing and supporting the individual holistic wellness of their pupils.
The Collaborative Individualism Movement is building resilient individuals who are courageously facing their own (limiting) beliefs and energetic blocks in order to operate full, happy, energetic daily lives while supporting the collaborative building of resilient communities.
Swiss Cottage Ninja's
New Life Ninja is not just an exceptional coaching service. I created New Life Ninja and the awesome packages in order to fund a very exciting project.
In Swansea, UK there is a derelict Swiss Cottage within Singleton Park which has stood empty for the last 10 years since being burned down in 2000 and fully rebuilt in 2010. New Life Ninja will be used to support the refurbishment of this inspiring and historic building, bringing it back to use for the community.
I hope the cottage will become an Alternative Education Centre providing empowering personal development for many people across the city.